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Your video game is performing well in testing, and your marketingstrategy is ready. All that remains is for you to clean up your menu and get ready to launch. Here are five words to help you sculpt your video Game User Interface (UI) into a work of art. 

1. Affordability 

A press-style button, for example, may appear shiny and round,similar to an elevator floor selection button. Arrows may indicate the direction of action on a toggle switch. 

Affordances are built-in hints to a menu object's function andoperation. Consider object designs that convey the objects' roles and navigation as you design your menu controls and options. 

Do your toggles, buttons,and option controls include visual cues that assist users in understanding how the various objects function? Test your menu continuously for the usability of its objects and the ease with which its affordances can be parsed. Before committing to object designs, use the menu objects, and create them repeatedly and randomly. In the heat of battle, ensure you can see how to manipulate a menu object.

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2. Flow 

When players become easily attracted to your Game Menu UI Design, they don't wantto scroll through a dozen pages to get back into it. They want to avoid repeatedly seeing the same animated segment before returning to the action. Experts advise keeping animations between 200 and 400 milliseconds in length. Longer animations than 500 milliseconds make transitions and landing pages appear ponderous and boring, especially when a player must look at the animation for the hundredth time. 

On the menu page, always include a "continue" button. Thisbutton lets players skip the fluff and get to the game's meat. When games force players to sit through depressing backstories or clumsy customization options before every game session, you lose players who only have limited time to catch up on their progress.

3. Possibilities 

The word control is a synonym for the word option. The twocharacteristics are interdependent. You can include a variety of settings, vehicles, and superpowers in your game. If your options are hidden behind layers of information, or if the customization you offer is difficult to navigate, your extensive options menu could be more useful.

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Similarly, you can create asmooth, intuitive Best Game UI Design for your custom options but not provide manygame-altering upgrades or replacements. Give your players menu controls that are easy to use and navigate through a reasonable number of options. Create menu interfaces that allow you to scroll through options and provide instant selection tools easily.

4. Save automatically 

Players should not have toenter the same menu changes twice. Players should not have to choose and enter their changes and preferences every time they log in. Showcase your game by having it save all changes made by players as soon as they change the menu interface. You can include the "Are you certain you want to make these permanent changes?" question. If you prefer, prompt. Remember to provide a way for players to opt-out of being asked that question at each change.

5. Getting Around

If players need to connect the map for strategy purposes, make it easierto find on a sunny day in Skyrim. Please don't make your players search for their most important navigational tool for five minutes. Make the map accessible from the menu page and the in-game pages. Place mini-maps or map segments on your action pages using your imagination. Provide several map and navigation options on your menu to help players find their locations and track their progress in the game world.

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MyDesigns creates the Best Video Game UI as part of a team. Ourexperienced interface designers use the best UI and UX principles to help our customers bring their ideas to life!